Structure and Character of Our School

Structure of our schools

Our schools are both academies and members of The Good Shepherd Trust. Both the Infant and Junior Schools are separate entities in terms of their budgets and legal status, but they share the same Senior Leadership Team, Local Governing Committee, Policy Documents, Vision, Values and Ethos.

Both schools also share their Voluntary Controlled status as Church of England Schools, this means that both schools are supported by a strong Christian foundation and have a distinctively Christian ethos and character. Our Vicar and the Parish Youth Workers visit both schools for worship and Bible Stories club every week and are integral to the school community.

As a school with a Christian foundation, our ethos is important and integral to the life of our school. We support our ethos by teaching Christian based British values and expect everyone who works in partnership with us to subscribe to the principle of these values.


Our Leadership Structure across both schools

Executive Headteacher 

Executive Deputy Headteacher

School Business Manager

Inclusion Leaders

Early YearsFoundation StageLeader *

Key Stage 1Phase Leader *

Lower Key Stage 2Phase Leader *

Upper Key Stage 2Phase Leader *



__ - Senior Leadership Team

* - Middle Leadership Team