
The wearing of school uniform ensures that all our children feel they belong to the school community. We seek the full co-operation of all parents in supporting this. All items can be purchased from our school uniform supplier Mapac Group Ltd online at www.mapac.com/ottershaw 

All items of clothing must be clearly named with permanent pen.


Early Years and Key Stage 1 (Infants)
White polo shirt, blouse or formal shirt
Purple school v-neck sweatshirt or cardigan
Black skirt, pinafore dress, long trousers or shorts
White or black socks, black tights
Black flat shoes
Purple gingham dress


Key Stage 2 (Juniors)
White shirt with School Tie (no open necked shirts)
Purple school v-neck sweatshirt or cardigan
Black skirt, pinafore dress, long trousers or shorts
White or black socks, black tights
Black flat shoes
Purple gingham dress
Black fleece or coat


Summer Term - Boys and Girls can choose to wear a white school polo shirt (with school logo) if they wish instead of the shirt and tie, this is just for the summer term.

P.E Kit - Infants and Juniors

White t-shirt, black shorts, training shoes. Black tracksuit


A school reversible shower proof fleece is also available for purchase for outdoor wear only

A protective garment such as an old shirt is essential for art and craft activities and it is helpful to have the sleeves cut down.

At break times, depending on weather conditions, wellington boots may be worn by Key Stage 1 pupils and training shoes by Key Stage 2. These must be changed for shoes in the classroom. We would ask that parents ensure that children only wear sensible, flat-heeled shoes for school. All equipment and clothing should be clearly named.

Please note that only plain gold or silver studded earrings may be worn. For safety reasons it is standard education policy that these must be removed for PE lessons. We would ask for parent’s co-operation in this matter and suggest that any ear piercing is arranged to take place at the beginning of the summer break.

The wearing of make-up, nail varnish or hair gel to school is not permitted.

OPTA hold second hand uniform sales throughout the year when parents have the opportunity to purchase donated pre-loved items.