Ottershaw Christ Church C of E Infant School, Fletcher Close, Ottershaw, Surrey, KT16 0JT
Ottershaw Christ Church C of E Junior School, Fletcher Road Ottershaw Surrey KT16 0JY

Infant: 01932 873652 - Junior: 01932 872323

Ottershaw Christ Church C of E Infant and Junior Schools

Motivated to learn, empowered to achieve

Parenting & Family Support

Mental Health and Wellbeing Statement 


Please click on the below links

Parent Wellbeing Service 

Parent Wellbeing Service Referral Form

CAMHS Advice 'What to Say to an Anxious Child'

Anxiety Resource Pack

Stay Safe at Home Online

Runnymede Borough Council & Food Bank Partnership

Parenting Smart

Runnymede Carers Hub

Drop in Hubs for Carers



Family Lives offer support and advice about any family issue, whether it is big or small. You can talk to one of the Family Support Workers through Live Chat, email, or call the confidential helpline on 0808 800 2222.




Anxiety UK provides advice and support for anyone suffering with a wide range of anxieties and offers advice and support for parents and young children

Website:  Helping your child - Anxiety UK



Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem, and those supporting them. Mind also work in partnership with a local mental health network in England and Wales to deliver local services.



If you are worried about a young person and need advice, you can contact the trained helpline counsellors for 24/7 help, advice and support. You can email: or call: 0808 800 5000